Saturday 5 April 2014

Lake Menindee, near Broken Hill

This is still one of our favourite spots on our journey so far.  Copi Hollow, Lake Menindee about an hour south east of Broken Hill.  Many "Hill" residents have weekenders on this lake which is looked after by the BH water skiing club.  We saw a lot of wildlife - camels, pelicans, roo's and emu's.  The sunsets were amazing!

 very serious surf face….too bad it's a lake and there's no surf ;)

oh there was one hiccup while we were here….
"sweetie, is the caravan supposed to be at this angle???"
slight malfunction of the jockey wheel but we sorted it out

1 comment:

  1. Nice angled setup of the van.........looks like there were a few Galahs around too! Love your work Bro!
