Friday 16 May 2014

The (dreaded) Nullarbor

                      Our next adventure was to cross the Nullarbor!!

We were somewhat dreading it as we knew there were miles and miles of straight roads, but we were with good friends and that made all the difference.

The coastline here was stunning!!
On a sad note, a week after this photo was taken, a swedish backpacker fell to her death trying to get a closer photo.  The above sign is there for a reason.

            I think someone needs a haircut, not mentioning any names

We finally crossed the South Australia/West Australian border and the kids had fun holding the iPhone and crossing the border back and forth watching the time on the phone automatically change over. 
 We knew we were in Western Australia the first time we re-fuelled.  Paul wasn't overly surprised or even upset at the $2.09/Lt diesel as we were forewarned but you should have seen his face when he bought his first cappuccino.  He had to make it himself, no problems there - it cost him $7.50, yep that did it!!  We had to re-do our budget ;(

We got through the endless stretches of unchanging kilometres looking for anything that moved or was dead on the side of the road. There is a part of the crossing called the '90 mile straight' and they are not kidding! We got really excited when there was a bend in the road or another car passed us.  Yes it really is that boring!! But we spent each night with friends at some really beautiful free camps.

     Those are our friends Kate and Andy goofing off in front of the fire

So goodbye South Australia, you are truly a beautiful part of the world, and on to Esperance!!

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